Breaking Ground
Photos by Adler Keehn
Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to our fundraiser thus far! Thanks to you all, we are only $2,000 away from being able to purchase a brand new state-of-the-art set of hurdles, updating our current set used since the 1980’s.
Last Friday we reached another huge milestone of our renovation project: breaking ground on our new track facility. This ground breaking ceremony sent a message to our team that our dream of practicing and competing at home on a safe and cutting-edge track is achievable, and that we have the support from the City of Oak Ridge, City Council, the Oak Ridge School Board and the community in reaching that goal.
If you have already donated, then you are playing a huge part in ensuring that our athletes are safe and afforded an opportunity to compete on home turf amidst the cheers of our community. Forwarding this email to fellow ORHS T&F supporters, sharing our donation link and spreading the word on social media are all exceptionally helpful ways to continue your support, which we greatly appreciate. We hope to see you soon in our brand new facility!